Teen Experimentation: Is Your Son Experimenting With Drugs?

Substance Abuse

Suspecting your teenager is trying drugs can feel devastating. However, this isn’t the end of the road. First, it’s important to understand the signs of drug use, so you can take the proper next steps. We’re here to guide you through teen experimentation and what you can do to best support your son.

What Does “Teen Experimentation” Mean?

Children grow up. As they do, they’re met with all sorts of pressures—internal and external. They want to fit in, to belong. Sometimes, this means being faced with drugs or alcohol and giving in for the sake of not becoming an “outcast” to their peers.

Teen experimentation is just that: experimenting with various substances. Some teens may do so to please others. And other teens may be struggling with mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety and feel the need to escape.

Regardless of the reasoning behind it, drug experimentation is dangerous. Young teens can’t yet completely control their impulses or make wise decisions. This means drug addiction stemming from experimentation becomes more likely.

3 Signs That Your Son May Be Experimenting With Drugs

Many signs may point to drug experimentation. Here are some you should keep an eye out for:

  • Changes in mood or behavior: Your son may seem depressed, sad, or even hostile. He may start to act withdrawn or you may notice him becoming more secretive.
  • Changes in appearance and health: Consistent drug use changes the physical appearance. You might notice that your son has bloodshot eyes often or bruises on his arms. He may all of a sudden look unkempt or suddenly stop caring about hygiene. Health signs include trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, unexplained sores or wounds, rapid weight gain or loss, and more.
  • Physical signs: Perhaps the clearest sign of drug abuse is seeing evidence of it in and around your home. For example, you may find unexplained pill bottles in your son’s room or you may smell the substance on your son’s clothes.

What Should You Do Next?

The best thing to do first is to have a conversation with your teen. This may be scary to think about. But it’s important. Be frank and straightforward; ask your son if he’s experimenting with drugs and what type.

Remember to lead with empathy and realize there are pressures involved. You may feel angry, disappointed, and even sad. Those feelings are valid. Yet, it’s important to understand that there’s a reason behind your teen’s drug use.

If you struggle communicating with your teen or they refuse to talk, it might be time to reach out for external support. Lakeside Academy supports teen boys aged 14-18 going through drug use and addiction through faith-based and personalized treatment.

Help Is Available—Reach Out to Lakeside Academy Today

We know this may feel impossible to get through. After all, he’s your little boy. However, hope is available and recovery is more than possible. We’re here to support you and your son. Reach out to us today by calling 844-768-8336 or send us a message.