How Substance Abuse Treatment Works

Substance Abuse

Going through addiction recovery is more than just overcoming a drug or alcohol habit. Often, many addicts are facing multiple challenges in their lives. They need to learn healthy ways to address these challenges to have a successful rehabilitation.  

Substance abuse treatment is all about taking a holistic approach. While different programs may vary, the overall goal is to help individuals live productive and meaningful lives. Let’s find out how substance abuse treatment works and what you can generally expect from a treatment program.

Monitored Detox Period

One of the hardest things when treating substance abuse is going through a detox period. During detox, a person gradually reduces alcohol or drugs from their system. 

Since the brain and body are adjusting to the absence of chemicals, withdrawal symptoms may manifest.

These symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and range from moderate to severe. Detoxing addicts may experience fever, headaches, paranoia, nausea or even seizures. While this process may sound scary, monitored detox focuses on managing these symptoms safely.

During monitored detox, addicts are carefully watched over and cared for by licensed professionals. These professionals monitor vitals and ensure addicts are getting proper fluids, nutrition and sleep. Controlled medications may also be used to help ease any withdrawal symptoms.

The detox period is different for everyone. It may last between one or several weeks, depending on the type of substance abuse and how much drugs or alcohol they were consuming.

Ongoing Therapy & Counseling

Consistent mental health counseling plays a vital role in substance abuse treatment. Many addicts face challenges that contribute to their substance abuse, such as a mental health disorder, trauma or socioeconomic hardship. They may have triggers or personal situations that put them at high risk for relapse.

Whether it’s individual or group therapy, ongoing counseling helps addicts address other areas of their lives. They may learn coping and self-control strategies, stress management techniques and self-advocacy. The goal is not to just stay clean, but to live a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle.

Supportive Community & Connection

Treating substance abuse can be a lonely process. During their addiction, many addicts lose connection with their family and friends. Some were even isolated and alone to begin with, which may have contributed to their substance abuse.

During treatment, addicts must have access to a supportive community. This may include other recovering addicts, support groups, mental health professionals and faith leaders. 

The recovery process also helps addicts build their communication skills and repair broken relationships with loved ones. Family members may also need to attend therapy to work on addressing their own problematic behavior.

Is Your Teen Son Suffering From Addiction? Help Is Available!

Substance abuse treatment is all about the long-term. At Lakeside Academy, we take a holistic, faith-based approach to helping teen boys recover from substance abuse. 

From mental health counseling to spiritual growth, our supportive community is here to help your teen son recover safely. To learn more, call us at 844-768-8336 or send us a message.