Person-Centered Therapy

Person-Centered Therapy at Lakeside Academy


At Lakeside Academy, we offer Person-Centered Therapy, also known as Humanistic Therapy, to support adolescents in their journey toward self-discovery and emotional well-being. This therapeutic approach is rooted in unconditional positive regard, compassion, and empathy, creating a nurturing environment where teens feel accepted, seen, and understood.


What is Person-Centered Therapy?

Person-centered therapy is a humanistic approach developed by Carl Rogers that emphasizes the importance of a supportive therapeutic relationship. This modality engages teens with genuine care and understanding, fostering a safe space to explore their thoughts and feelings.

  • Unconditional Positive Regard: Our therapists accept teens without judgment, offering unconditional positive regard that validates their experiences and emotions.
  • Compassion and Empathy: By empathizing with the adolescent’s perspective, our therapists provide a compassionate presence that helps teens feel genuinely understood and supported.


Creating a Nurturing Environment

The core principle of Person-Centered Therapy is to create an environment where adolescents feel free to express themselves without fear of criticism. This nurturing setting promotes self-acceptance and personal growth.

  • Safe Space for Exploration: Teens are encouraged to share their innermost thoughts and feelings in a secure, non-judgmental space, fostering open and honest communication.
  • Empowering Adolescents: By focusing on the individual’s strengths and potential, Person-Centered Therapy empowers teens to take an active role in their healing process.


Critical Components of Person-Centered Therapy

Our Person-Centered Therapy program is designed to address the unique needs of each adolescent, promoting emotional resilience and psychological well-being.

  • Genuine Therapeutic Relationship: Therapists build authentic relationships with teens, characterized by trust, respect, and mutual understanding.
  • Individualized Care: Each therapy session is tailored to the teen’s specific needs and concerns, ensuring personalized and effective support.
  • Self-Discovery and Growth: The therapeutic process encourages self-reflection and personal insight, helping teens understand themselves better and make meaningful changes.


Benefits of Person-Centered Therapy

Engaging in Person-Centered Therapy offers numerous benefits for adolescents navigating various emotional and psychological challenges:

  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Teens develop a more positive self-image and greater self-confidence through the acceptance and validation they receive.
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: By exploring their emotions in a supportive environment, adolescents learn to manage their feelings more effectively.
  • Strengthened Relationships: The skills and insights gained in therapy help teens build healthier and more fulfilling relationships with others.
  • Increased Resilience: Person-centered therapy fosters resilience, enabling teens to cope with stress and adversity more effectively.

Supporting Adolescents Through Person-Centered Therapy

At Lakeside Academy, we are committed to guiding adolescents through their therapeutic journey with empathy, compassion, and professional expertise. Our Person-Centered Therapy program is designed to create a supportive and accepting environment where teens feel valued and understood, empowering them to achieve greater emotional well-being.

Please visit our contact page for more information on how our Person-Centered Therapy program can support your teen.