Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing at Lakeside Academy


At Lakeside Academy, we utilize Motivational Interviewing as a critical therapeutic approach to help adolescents uncover their internal motivation for making meaningful lifestyle and behavior changes. This evidence-based modality is particularly effective in addressing mental and physical health challenges, guiding teens toward positive transformation.


What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, person-centered form of guiding that aims to elicit and strengthen motivation for change. This approach emphasizes empathy, active listening, and a nonjudgmental stance to support teens in exploring and resolving their ambivalence about change.

  • Internal Motivation: MI helps teens discover their intrinsic motivations for change, enhancing their commitment to personal goals.
  • Collaborative Process: The therapeutic process is a partnership between the therapist and the adolescent, fostering a sense of autonomy and empowerment.


Core Principles of Motivational Interviewing

Our therapists at Lakeside Academy apply the core principles of Motivational Interviewing to create a supportive environment that encourages self-reflection and positive change.

  • Expressing Empathy: Our therapists convey understanding and acceptance through reflective listening, helping teens feel heard and valued.
  • Developing Discrepancy: By gently highlighting the gap between current behaviors and future goals, therapists assist adolescents in recognizing the need for change.
  • Rolling with Resistance: Instead of confronting resistance directly, therapists work with it, respecting the teen’s perspective and exploring underlying concerns.
  • Supporting Self-Efficacy: Building confidence in adolescents’ ability to achieve their goals is a critical component of MI, empowering them to take actionable steps toward change.


Applying Motivational Interviewing in Therapy

Motivational Interviewing is integrated into individual treatment plans, ensuring that each teen receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.

  • Initial Assessment: During the initial sessions, therapists work collaboratively with teens to understand their challenges, goals, and readiness for change.
  • Goal Setting: Together, they identify specific, achievable goals that align with the teen’s values and desires, creating a clear roadmap for progress.
  • Ongoing Support: Throughout the therapeutic journey, therapists provide continuous support, encouragement, and guidance to help adolescents stay motivated and focused on their goals.


Benefits of Motivational Interviewing

Participating in Motivational Interviewing offers numerous benefits for adolescents seeking to overcome mental and physical health challenges:

  • Enhanced Motivation: Teens become more committed to making positive life changes by tapping into their internal motivation.
  • Improved Self-Awareness: Adolescents gain deeper insights into their behaviors, thought patterns, and emotional triggers, fostering greater self-awareness.
  • Increased Confidence: As they experience small successes and progress towards their goals, teens build self-efficacy and confidence in their abilities.
  • Sustainable Change: The skills and strategies learned through MI contribute to lasting behavioral changes that improve overall well-being.

Supporting Adolescents Through Motivational Interviewing

At Lakeside Academy, we are dedicated to guiding adolescents through their journey of change with compassion, understanding, and professional expertise. Our Motivational Interviewing program is designed to help teens find the internal motivation to address their mental and physical health challenges, paving the way for a brighter, healthier future.

Please visit our contact page for more information on how our Motivational Interviewing program can support your teen.