Gender-Responsive Care

Gender-Responsive Care at Lakeside Academy


At Lakeside Academy, we are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where every teen feels respected and understood. Our Gender-Responsive Care program honors clients’ preferred gender identities, focusing on inclusivity, acceptance, and comprehensive support within the treatment milieu. We address related individual and family therapy issues to ensure holistic and affirming care.


Honoring Gender Identity

We recognize the importance of respecting and affirming each resident’s gender identity. Our team fosters an environment that celebrates diversity and promotes equity.

  • Inclusivity in Treatment: When teens arrive at Lakeside Academy, their preferred gender identity is acknowledged and respected. This commitment to inclusivity is integrated into all aspects of our care, from daily interactions to therapeutic interventions.
  • Supportive Environment: We create a safe space where adolescents can express their true selves without fear of judgment. This supportive atmosphere encourages self-acceptance and fosters a sense of belonging.


Comprehensive Support and Therapy

Our Gender-Responsive Care program offers comprehensive support through both individual and family therapy. These therapeutic modalities are designed to address the unique challenges faced by teens related to their gender identity.

  • Individual Therapy: One-on-one sessions provide a confidential and empathetic setting for teens to explore their gender identity and related issues. Our therapists offer guidance, support, and practical strategies to navigate their journey.
  • Family Therapy: Involving families in the therapeutic process fosters understanding and support. Family therapy sessions focus on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building a robust and supportive network for the adolescent.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Our team integrates therapeutic techniques and evidence-based practices to ensure each teen receives personalized and effective care. This includes cognitive-behavioral approaches, trauma-informed care, and other relevant modalities.


Creating an Empowering Milieu

At Lakeside Academy, we strive to create an empowering treatment milieu that supports the well-being and growth of every adolescent. Our approach is built on empathy, understanding, and professional expertise.

  • Empowerment Through Education: We provide education and resources to both residents and their families about gender identity, helping to dispel myths and promote acceptance.
  • Holistic Care: Our holistic approach addresses the mental, emotional, and social aspects of each teen’s experience. This ensures comprehensive care that supports overall well-being.
  • Peer Support: Encouraging peer support within the group helps residents build connections and gain strength from shared experiences. This sense of community is vital for fostering resilience and self-confidence.


Benefits of Gender-Responsive Care

Our Gender-Responsive Care program offers numerous benefits for adolescents navigating gender identity issues:

  • Increased Self-Acceptance: Affirming each teen’s gender identity promotes greater self-acceptance and emotional well-being.
  • Enhanced Family Relationships: Family therapy helps improve understanding and support within the family unit, strengthening relationships.
  • Holistic Development: Comprehensive support and therapy contribute to each resident’s overall development and well-being.

Supporting Adolescents on Their Journey

At Lakeside Academy, we are devoted to supporting adolescents through their journey with compassion, understanding, and professional care. Our Gender-Responsive Care program is designed to honor and affirm each resident’s gender identity, providing the inclusive and comprehensive support they need to thrive.

Please visit our contact page for more information on how our Gender-Responsive Care program can support your teen.