Daily Schedule

A typical day at Lakeside Academy is highly structured with emphasis on building consistent behaviors and routines, teaching responsibility and encouraging good decision-making by offering choices and providing positive reinforcement.

    Typical Schedule for the Day

      7:00 am Begin to start their day (Personal Prep) / Personal Devotion / Breakfast / Personal Chores
      8:00am Character Formation
      9:00am School / CD Group
      11:50am Lunch
      12:30pm School / Vocational  Experience / SUD Group
      3:15pm Therapeutic Recreation
      4:30pm Dinner
      5:00pm Personal Study Time / Flex / Bible Study / Chapel / Youth Group Activity
      6:00pm Flex (Phone Calls Home)
      8:45pm Medications
      9:30pm Chores
      10:00pm Room
      10:15pm Lights Out