Meet Our Team
Shawn Heuver
Lead Youth Counselor
BS in Youth Ministry | Licensed Pastor
I have worked at Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge since May of 2007. My journey started as Lead Staff in our men’s program for 4 years, Pastoral Counselor of Men for 3 years and then found my true passion as Lead Youth Counselor. I love working at Lakeside Academy because God has called me to help the hurting find true and lasting freedom in Christ. I love building relationships with teens who need to have a chance and an opportunity to change, by coming alongside them in their journey. I’m passionate about helping guys overcome their past and explore their God given purpose, gifts and future. It is my greatest joy to help them move from being a hurting boy to empowering them to become healthy, strong, and godly men. Lakeside has so many opportunities for teens to explore their unique gifts and callings by redirecting them on a new and exciting path in life – one that includes more than sobriety, but a life worth living.