What We Can Do and How We Can Help
HMO, PPO, EPO, In-Network, Out-Of-Network, Single-Case Agreement, Out-Of- Pocket Maximum—it can be very confusing. You call us because your family needs help. You don’t want to spend your time and energy figuring out what type of policy you have, whether you’re covered, or what you have to do to get started. We can help navigate your insurance needs.
Lakeside Academy works with most private insurance companies on an in-network and out-of-network basis. We talk to your insurance provider and advocate for you to maximize your benefits at every level of care.

Call our admissions team for a free verification of benefits.
Start By Verifying Your Insurance Online
We untangle the complicated web of health insurance
and translate policy jargon into plain language.
We talk to your insurance provider and advocate for you to maximize your benefits.
During our initial phone call, we ask for your policy details and get on the phone right away with your provider. We get all the information we need to move forward and start the admission process. In most cases, we can easily confirm your level of coverage and give you an estimate on your potential out-of-pocket costs.

We are here to help you find a path.

If you call us during regular business hours (Monday-Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm) and we’re able to contact your provider right away, we typically have answers for you by the end of the day. If you call us over the weekend or after regular business hours, we start the process first thing on the next business day.
If your insurance policy doesn’t cover mental health or substance abuse disorders, don’t panic. We can attempt to negotiate what’s called a Single Case Agreement (SCA) with your insurance provider. SCAs are contracts made on a case-by-case basis so that out-of-network providers can work with your insurance company on an in-network basis.