Do you accept insurance? What type of insurance do you accept?
Yes, your insurance may cover a portion of licensed, chemical dependency treatment and mental health services. We accept insurance for many providers; we may be out of network for some.
- Our Admissions team will request your insurance information and discuss your coverage and benefits with you.
- Our Admissions team can schedule a comprehensive assessment or chemical health screen if needed. All clients seeking help with substance use require an assessment.
- Clients will be billed for the services that insurance does not cover; our Admissions team will discuss in detail so there are never any surprises.
- Limited scholarships may be available, based on need. We offer a payment plan, and we also work with a treatment program lender, should you wish to apply for financing.
No, we do not accept insurance for our Therapeutic Boarding School/Behavioral Rehabilitation program.
- Limited scholarships may be available, based on need. We offer a payment plan and also work with a treatment program lender, should you wish to apply for financing.
How much does your program cost?
Our services at Lakeside Academy include general program costs, chemical dependency and mental health treatment services, behavioral therapy, plus room and board. There is no additional charge for client enrollment in the local Southwest Metro school district (Intermediate school district 288).
For licensed chemical dependency treatment and mental health services:
The cost of services for your son will depend on your son’s needs as assessed during a clinical evaluation, and in combination with a review of applicable healthcare insurance. Our goal is to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses, while ensuring your son receives the appropriate level of services and care. MN residents may qualify for additional funding support; our Admissions team will provide more information.
For therapeutic boarding school and behavioral health services:
Financial assistance may be available to MN residents based on need. Please contact our admissions team to discuss costs.
Health/Medical insurance does not cover tuition for residential behavioral programs. However, if supplemental mental health, drug treatment, or other medical services are required while your son is enrolled at Lakeside Academy, then personal insurance may cover a portion of costs.
Are there any scholarships or financial assistance available?
Limited financial scholarships may be available, based on need, to cover a portion of program costs. Our Admissions team has more information.
What is the typical length of stay?
Our program is divided into 4 levels and takes between 6 and 12 months to complete, depending on the student’s progress and engagement. Most complete in about 9 months. Our admissions team can provide more information about how students progress through the four levels.
Why do you recommend a long-term program?
Studies showw that it often takes up to a full year for adolescents to let go of bad habits and create new healthy behaviors. When boys graduate from our program, most admit to us (and their parents) that “real changes” in their thinking and values started to take place after they decided to engage — within 3-6 months at Lakeside Academy… and only then did they dig in to complete the program and make true and lasting changes.
Our program is made up of 4-levels and typically takes 6-12 months to complete depending on one’s engagement; most will complete in about 9 months.
Why a Christian program?
As a Christian Behavior and Recovery Center, we’ve used Christian principles to develop our program and curriculum, and we rely on those principles in all that we do. While at Lakeside Academy, we encourage each student to develop his own personal relationship with Christ.
My child is not a Christian (he is Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.) Can he still attend Lakeside Academy?
Yes, your son may attend Lakeside Academy regardless of faith or religion. However, we are a Christian Behavior and Recovery Center. If a Christian program is not what you are seeking, Lakeside may be able to provide a list of referrals for you. There, he would be able to receive chemical treatment and mental health services in a secular (not faith-based) environment, if he so chooses.
What can I bring?
See Packing List.
Do you allow smoking?
No, Lakeside Academy is a tobacco-free environment. All cigarettes, e-cigs, vaping and chewing tobacco are prohibited.
Will you accept my son if he’s on medications?
Yes, but there are some requirements. Medications should be discussed early in the application process. Students who come into the program on medication must come under the care of a local doctor. Any medication changes will be handled through a licensed physician. It is understood that some students will need to stay on medications for the duration of the program.
What medications may my son take while at Lakeside Academy?
We accept clients on certain Medication-Assisted Treatments (MAT); in addition, we provide on-site psychiatric and ambulatory detox services. Medication-Assisted Treatments are part of our reviewable medication list; client applications involving MATs are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Examples of reviewable medications include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Medical Marijuana
- All medications used for the treatment of Alcohol or Opiate dependence and/or withdrawal1
- All Barbiturates
- All Medications used Specifically for Weight Loss
- All Benzodiazepines
- All Medications for Smoking Cessation2
- All Muscle Relaxants
- All Stimulant Medications3
- All Performance Enhancing Steroids or Supplements
- All Narcotic pain relievers and pain reliever with potential for dependence & abuse
- Sleep aids4
- Suboxone (Taper no longer than 90 days) or Naltrexone/Vivitrol will be considered for limited use, on a case by case basis, under the direct supervision of a Licensed Prescriber
- Clients are allowed up to a 10 week taper of Nicotine Patches
- Only Strattera & Intuniv are allowed for treatment of ADD/ADHD
- Only Melatonin is allowed as a sleep aid
OTC Medications: Please note that Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge has an Approved list of OTC Medications That Clients may Purchase on their Own.
Does my child have to be willing in order to be admitted to Lakeside Academy?
We understand that a troubled teen boy may be reluctant to come to any program.
For a behaviorally-challenged boy with minor or no substance abuse issues, we require only that he is aware that he is coming to Lakeside Academy and that he walks in under his own power (i.e. he is not forcibly dragged into a building). We are not a lock-down facility or a crisis-care facility.
For a boy in need of licensed treatment for substance use disorder, we require that he is open to receiving treatment, as this will impact his outcome and ability to break any addiction.
Can students earn high school credits while they are at Lakeside Academy?
Yes, while at Lakeside Academy your son will be enrolled in the local Southwest Metro school district <link>. Students have the ability to earn high school credits, which can allow them to graduate, or earned credits may be transferred to either private or public schools following the student’s completion of their program.
How quickly can my son come in?
If beds are available, the Admission process typically takes 2-14 days. An intake may take place as soon as your application and supplemental paperwork has been submitted, reviewed and accepted, and initial tuition and deposit fees are paid.
Can a student start in the middle of the year?
Yes, we accept students year-round. Please call our admissions department to learn more.
How do I know if my son needs this program?
Before choosing any residential or therapeutic boarding school most parents have already tried working with local resources such as school counselors, church advisors, family friends, social workers, and mental health counselors in attempts to address and resolve issues.
If you have exhausted these options, then Lakeside Academy may be the best next step for your son. We specialize in working with troubled adolescent boys and helping them get back on the right track. Please let our Admissions counselors know more about your son’s specific issues so we can help him, and help your family heal.
How do I know if my son is struggling with something other than substance abuse?
Mental/emotional issues, such as anger, anxiety, or depression, can show up in many different forms and outlets. Our team will work alongside you to determine your son’s needs based on an individual assessment and then create an appropriate treatment plan for him.
It is common for students who enter our program to exhibit issues and behaviors such as:
Depression/Loss of Interest
Risky and dangerous behavior
Abuse of drugs, huffing, alcohol abuse
Hatred of parents or anyone in authority
Expulsion from school for failing grades
Hatred of religion and turning away from God
How do I know if my son is struggling with substance abuse?
In our society today, behavioral or academic issues in teenagers most often coincide with some level of substance abuse, which can be hidden from parents. Yet, it may have a profound effect on your son’s attitude, and it may be the main reason for his inappropriate behavior. In reality, it can take months away from drugs (even alcohol or marijuana) for your son to begin demonstrating better attitudes, decision making, and impulse control.
With some substances, addictions can arise from even one use; they must be addressed before they become a life-long problem. Lakeside Academy offers the best opportunity for overall recovery, by allowing teen boys to truly get their motivations and lives turned around and back on the right track.
What programs do you offer?
Lakeside Academy is a Christian Behavior and Recovery Center for teen boys 14 to 18, who are heading down the wrong path due to substance use, anger management, and other behavioral issues.
Our core program is a 4-level behavior rehabilitation program, with additional licensed chemical dependency treatment and mental health services provided to each student based on assessed need and his individual treatment plan. The program typically takes 12 months to complete, although some complete it in as few as 9 months.
The treatment approach we provide each student is based on an individual clinical assessment, a collaborative working relationship, and an empirical cognitive-behavioral treatment model that addresses the whole person (physical, emotional and spiritual needs). Our Admissions counselors can provide more detail based upon your son’s specific situation.
While at Lakeside Academy, all students are enrolled into the local public school district, Southwest Metro, and attend public school classes right at our campus.
What type of counseling do you offer?
We provide licensed chemical dependency treatment, mental health counseling, and cognitive-behavioral therapy — all based on the individual needs of each client. Counseling sessions typically include individual therapy as well as group sessions. Our treatment interventions are designed to help clients manage their thinking, improve behaviors, and recover from substance use, as necessary.
In what type of school will my son be enrolled?
While at Lakeside Academy, your son will be enrolled in the local public school (Southwest Metro school district – Intermediate school district 288) and attend classes onsite at Lakeside Academy. He will participate in a mix of learning modalities including conventional (classroom) learning, online learning, and project-based learning opportunities.
What is the ratio of teachers to students at Southwest Metro School while at Lakeside Academy?
The ratio of teachers to students is typically 1:10 or less, but this ratio will fluctuate based on enrollment. In no case will the ratio exceed 1:15.
What is the schedule for Southwest Metro School District?
There are four extended breaks per year in the summer, fall, winter, and spring.
How does my son become enrolled in the Southwest Metro School District?
- Please complete intake packet to become officially enrolled in SW Metro
- SW Metro will contact the boy’s home district and pull in his records and history
- Assessment: Each student will be assessed based on his current grade level, history, any existing IEPs along with his comprehension of reading, math, science, and social studies in accordance with Minnesota standards
- A personalized learning plan will be created for each student, based on his assessment results.
My son was on an IEP in his home school district; how will that be transitioned to the Southwest Metro School District?
Once your son is enrolled in the Southwest Metro school district, operated onsite at Lakeside Academy, our program staff will contact your son’s home school district to integrate his records and history, including any existing IEPs, into his academic plans.
Is Southwest Metro a Christian school?
No, Southwest Metro is part of the local public school district. It is a secular program being administered onsite at our faith-based residential facility.
At what pace will my son’s education be administered? He is behind and needs to make up classes or credits. He is ahead and desires to stay ahead.
Learning pace: The education for each student is highly personalized; the pace of the curriculum will be based on his abilities and on his personal learning plan, IEP, or 504 plan. Many students graduate high school while attending Lakeside Academy. When that occurs, they may begin to take college classes online.
Does Mn Adult & Teen Challenge own Lakeside Academy?
Yes. Lakeside Academy is a program of Mn Adult & Teen Challenge (MnTC), a non-profit organization.
Do Lakeside Academy and Mn Adult & Teen Challenge use the same facility?
No, the 2 programs are in completely separate cities.
What licenses do your staff members carry?
LADC, MHP and the pastoral counselors are licensed in the State of Minnesota.
How do I contact staff?
Before your son enters the program: Contact our admissions team.
During your son’s stay: Staff can be reached via email or by phone. In case of emergencies, there is a 24-hour line.
What is the staff to student ratio?
The minimum is 1 staff member to every 8 students; however, there are many times throughout the student’s day that it is most often 1:2.
What makes you different than other residential treatment facilities?
We are a Christian Behavior and Recovery Center, blessed with an incredible staff, and with an extraordinary location and facilities. We offer one of the lowest tuition levels in the industry, thanks to our generous donors. We provide licensed chemical dependency treatment, mental health counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy and character formation courses designed to help establish a strong foundation for long-term success. We accept most insurance which may cover a portion of CD and mental health services. Our students attend MN licensed public school, on-site at our facility, with a student to teacher ratio of 10:1. We offer project-based learning and a variety of outdoor activities throughout our 48-acre site.
What type of counseling do you offer?
We provide licensed chemical dependency treatment, mental health counseling, and cognitive-behavioral therapy — all based on the individual needs of each client. Counseling sessions typically include individual therapy as well as group sessions. Our treatment interventions are designed to help clients manage their thinking, improve behaviors, and recover from substance use, as necessary.
What type of treatment do you offer?
We provide cognitive-behavioral therapy, licensed chemical dependency treatment, and a range of mental health services – all based on assessed need. Each treatment intervention is designed to help clients manage thinking, improve behaviors, and recover from drug or alcohol abuse, if applicable.
Our core curriculum also includes emphasis on character formation, building healthy relationships, responding positively to authority, and spiritual development. Our Admissions representative can provide more information.
How will my son benefit?
You can see the results–right relationships, restored families, truly content and purposeful lives, and refocused futures.
What do the teens do in the winter?
There are many different winter activities.
Tubing, sledding, snowboarding, ice fishing, ice skating, broomball, boot hockey just to name a few!
Our full-size gym is accessible during winter months so the students can continue many of their “summer activities”.
How do I take a physical tour of the campus?
In order to set up a tour, please fill out an online inquiry or call our admissions department. After talking to our admissions staff, he will walk you through the steps to schedule a tour.
Where do the teens live?
Our residence hall has all the modern amenities and currently sleeps 32 residents. Each boy is paired up with 2-3 other individuals per room.
How do you handle discipline?
Positive behavioral support: We use a behavioral grading system that emphasizes making positive choices; students are rewarded for complying with accepted behaviors and for demonstrating good character.
Is family counseling offered?
Traditional family counseling is not offered at Lakeside Academy. However, we provide regular scheduled updates from your son’s counselor and academic supervisor, and parent weekends to allow families time to meet individually with their son’s counselors. During parent weekends we also provide family education through group discussions, role playing, networking with other parents, and offer access to a range of resources.